DAT Resources


DAT Resources

This page is meant to be a resource center for Disaster Action Team Members. Information will be updated here often and you will only be able to access the various documents that appear if you have been given the appropriate password. Passwords can be obtained from Mickey Johnson (304) 725-5015 or MJohnson@EasternPanhandleARC.org or by contacting your local DAT chairperson.

Disaster Services Report April 16, 2008

A summary of Disaster Services Responses:
Date Location Type Damage Clients Cost
March 23 Morgan Res. Fire Total 3 adults $ 800.00
March 26 Berkeley Res. Fire Total 2 adults, 3 children $1053.00
March 30 Jefferson Res. Fire Partial 2 adults, 4 children $ 407.00
March 31 Jefferson Res. Fire Partial 4 adults None
April 1 Morgan Res. Fire Total 1 adult $ 240.00
April 5 Berkeley Res. Fire Total 1 adult, 2 children $ 485.00

Total Cost: $2,985.00

Clients Served: 13 Adults; 9 Children

A Disaster Services Committee meeting was held in Moorefield on April 8, 2008. Chapter staff and volunteer representatives from Pendleton, Morgan, Berkeley and Jefferson attended. The purpose of the meeting was to help the Disaster personnel from diverse areas of the Chapter to get to know one another better and to gain an understanding of the resources and needs of our whole Chapter. Disaster Services has a local presence in each region of our Chapter which covers 7 Counties and 3,171 square miles.

In support of our local Disaster Services teams, the Disaster Services Committee plans to participate in the following events: the Moorefield Poultry Parade and Festival held in July and the Tri-County Fair (Grant, Hardy and Pendleton) in Petersburg, August 12 – 16.

In addition, the Disaster Action Team of Jefferson County will contine the tradition of operating a booth at the Jefferson County Fair, August 17 – 23, and conducting the 5th Annual Cow Chip Bingo fundraiser to be held on Thursday, August 21 at the Show Barn.

Board Approval is requested to use the Chapter Disaster Reslponse trailer for the purpose of promoting community awareness of Red Cross Disaster Services at the three above mentioned events. Disaster Services emergencies which require the use of the trailer will always take precedence over community events.

Submitted by: Jeff Levesque, Disaster Services Chair

 Posted by at 7:22 pm